Ministries Within the Parish
Altar Guild
Prepares the altar before and after worship. Men and women are responsible for the linens, communion ware, brass ware, flower arrangements, and other appointments. Acolytes Responsible for assisting the clergy at the altar. Acolytes help in the direction of the service and play an important role in the Holy Eucharist. Lay Eucharistic Ministers Men and women who assist during the Holy Eucharist in administering the chalice. Lectors Those from the congregation who read the Old Testament, lead the congregation in Psalms (when not sung by the choir), and read from the Epistles. Other ministries include: Women of St. Luke's + Women's Bible Study + Men's Bible Study + Vestry |
The Flower and Altar Guilds Need your help.
Both of these guilds work behind the scenes readying our parish for each of its services. If you feel called to assist please contact Jeannie Russell.
Other Volunteer Ministry Opportunities
Nursery Workers – Assistants are needed in the nursery to help provide the quality care that our young ones deserve.
Greeters - Following Mass, one Sunday a month, greet visitors and members.
Coffee Hour - You would be in charge of picking up the donuts and making the coffee before everyone gets here on Sunday morning, setting up the cups and donuts & putting the cups into the dish washer for cleaning. You could do this with a partner, 2 weeks at a time to a month at a time. Call Mamie Cross for details (817-439-2244)
Greeters - Following Mass, one Sunday a month, greet visitors and members.
Coffee Hour - You would be in charge of picking up the donuts and making the coffee before everyone gets here on Sunday morning, setting up the cups and donuts & putting the cups into the dish washer for cleaning. You could do this with a partner, 2 weeks at a time to a month at a time. Call Mamie Cross for details (817-439-2244)